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The fight for a free-flowing Gila River isn’t over

By February 19, 2015September 27th, 2022Legislature, Public Lands, Water & Wildlife

After a 10-year planning process, the Interstate Stream Commission (ISC) voted to move forward with planning for an irresponsible and costly Gila River diversion project.
We weren’t surprised – and the fight to protect New Mexico’s last free-flowing river isn’t over.
We need you to show the legislature that there is strong support for a free-flowing Gila River across the state. Sign the petition today to urge the New Mexico Legislature to vote “YES” on SB 461, SB 455 and SB 542.>>
New Mexicans like you and me deserve answers to important questions about the Gila diversion project and desperately-needed legislative oversight of the ISC.
The Gila River bills, SB 461, SB 455 and SB 542 will require fiscal responsibility and transparency in the ISC’s Gila River planning process.
The facts show that a diversion project will produce little water at enormous costs – now estimated at over $1 billion – and will negatively impact the hydrology and ecology of the Gila River. Despite these issues, the ISC wants to spend your taxpayer dollars on a diversion.
These funds should instead be spent on cost-effective community water projects that will meet long-term water needs without harming New Mexico’s last free-flowing river that contributes significantly to our hunting, fishing and recreation economy.
The ISC wants to commit the state to this massive boondoggle and has hid from the public and the legislature the full cost of the project, the amount of water that can be produced, financing and affordability. Help us bring some sunshine to the ISC.