I can’t thank you enough for taking time out of your busy day to submit public comment to the Bureau of Land Management, urging them to create a strong rule to reduce methane emissions into the air we breathe and minimize waste! Your voice is critical to making this happen.
Recently, the oil and gas industry has been pushing back on attempts to reduce methane pollution, and their rhetoric has been starting to show up in newspaper articles across the state. That’s why it’s equally important for our neighbors and leaders in New Mexico to hear that New Mexicans support cutting methane pollution. One of the best ways to do that is to write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper. More people read the letters to the editor section than many other portions of the paper.
Would you be interested in working with us at CVNM Education Fund to turn your public comment into a letter to the editor to bring attention to all that we have at stake in this fight for strong methane rules? Click here and a member of our team will follow up with you!