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On Tuesday, September 6th, I joined several of our allies at the Taos County Commission to introduce a resolution supporting a uniquely New Mexican 30×30 initiative to protect 30% of lands and waters in the state by 2030.

The 30×30 initiative will be developed with full and effective participation by farmers and ranchers, tribes and Pueblos, hunters and anglers, and other outdoor recreation and public lands stakeholders. It’s an effort to protect New Mexico’s lands, watersheds, wildlife, and natural heritage from the impacts of climate change – heat domes, super wildfires, and steadily declining river flow – and would help Taos County build out its outdoor recreation economy.

In recent months, there has been backlash coming from several counties across the state in response to the widespread support New Mexicans are giving to 30×30; a few counties have passed anti-30×30 resolutions drafted by an organization based in Texas. Together with our allies, we are working to demonstrate that 30×30 is supported by New Mexicans statewide.

We expect a vote on the resolution on the 20th, but will keep you informed as the date approaches. Meanwhile, we need you to email the Taos County Commissioners today and let them know you want them to approve a resolution supporting 30×30 to stem the loss of New Mexico’s natural areas and wildlife and help ensure everybody has access to nature’s benefits. Here are their email addresses:

Jim K. Fambro, District 1 –
Mark Gallegos, District 2 –
Darlene Vigil, District 3 –
AnJeanette Brush, District 4 –
Candyce O’Donnell, District 5 –

Thank you for supporting New Mexico’s public lands and waters,

Greg Peters
CVNM Senior Advocate, Land, Waters & Wildlife

Email the Taos County Commission and let them know you want to build a locally led 30×30 initiative to protect lands and waters and support a thriving outdoor recreation economy!