Utilities need to support making clean energy like solar more accessible for more New Mexican families. CVNM continues to advocate for Community Solar – but your utility needs to hear that you support it too. Send PNM and EPE a message now.»
New Mexico’s largest electric providers need to support Community Solar |
Do you get your electricity from a local co-op? Send us your message and we’ll pass it along! |
We hardly go a day without hearing that some critical ecosystem is breaking down. This week, the Amazon is still on fire. It may feel like we New Mexicans can’t do much – but we know better. Every single step we take toward a future powered by clean energy like wind and solar, we are making a difference. What if more New Mexicans had more access to solar energy? This summer, Conservation Voters New Mexico (CVNM) is working to shape the policy and to gain broad support for Community Solar so that we can get it on the books and bring more fairness to our energy choices.
Each year, Community Solar is stymied in the process by—you guessed it—big utilities like Public Service Company of New Mexico (PNM) and El Paso Electric (EPE). They haven’t figured out how to profit from these customer-generated solar systems—so they leverage their sizeable political influence to stop the policy from passing. As a customer, your voice matters and your utility needs to hear from you. Send PNM and EPE a message now to show your support for Community Solar and urge them to do the same.»
Do you get your energy from a local electric co-op? Send your message to us and we’ll pass it along!
Thanks to support from Conservation Voters like you, a strong coalition and championship sponsorship by Representative Patricia Roybal Caballero, Community Solar passed the House of Representatives for the second time in two years in the 2019 session! The bill would have enabled utility customers who are renters, who do not have suitable locations, or are prevented from installing roof-top solar for other reasons to have equal access to the benefits of self-generation.
We’re working now to ensure we can get the policy passed through the entire legislature and to the Governor’s desk for her signature. After each legislative session, legislators can study particular issues by participating in interim committees. Interim committee membership is appointed by the leadership of the House or Senate. Interim committee meetings are open to the public and take place all across the state. During these meetings this fall, we’ll be advocating for policies like Community Solar by educating legislators, gathering coalition support and monitoring interim committee meeting discussions.
We support communities’ ability to choose their own energy sources at the most local level and New Mexicans want energy that fuels their homes and lives to have the least impact on climate change and health. Together, we can pass Community Solar and make this a reality.