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As the incredible sweep of victories from last week’s election continues to sink in, we hope you’ll join us this Thursday, November 17th, for a virtual celebration, election recap, and look ahead at what we aim to accomplish now with the pro-conservation sweep across the state.

     The election results are a testament to what a huge difference our collective work makes. Your support over the past year allowed us to identify and support strong pro-conservation candidates and provide them the extra resources they needed to get across the finish line, from primary races through the general election.

     New Mexico can now continue the momentum with nation-leading action on both climate and conservation issues that will protect our air, land, water, wildlife and communities across the state.

       What:   Election Celebration and Legislative Sneak Peek

       When:  Thursday, November 17, 2022

                    11:00 am – Noon MDT

       Where: Zoom 

   There will be plenty of time for Q&A, and we look forward to hearing what’s on your mind. 

     There is a lot of hard work ahead to craft and pass critical legislation, but we know we can do it, together.

Thank you for being a Conservation Voter!


Liz Lee

CVNM Director of Philanthropy




     Today is Election Day! Don’t forget to vote. Polls are open from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm. If you’ve already voted, thank you for being a part of this historic election.       

     As we follow the incoming election tallies after today, it may take days for the dust to settle until we can see what the landscape looks like in New Mexico for 2023’s long legislative session. 

     But we should have a clear picture by November 17th, when CVNM will host an Ask an Advocate webinar on Election Analysis: What Results Bode for the 2023 Legislative Session.

     Please join me as we review the state election results and discuss what any shifts mean for our collective work to pass a bold, effective and durable climate change framework bill next year to tackle climate pollution from transportation, building construction, energy use, and more. 

     The event will take place by Zoom on Thursday, November 17th, from 11:00 am to Noon.

Thanks for being a Conservation Voter!


Demis Foster

CVNM Executive Director

Please help protect New Mexico’s landscape, for all those we love and hold dear.

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