We are gearing up to protect New Mexico’s air, land and water during the legislative session, which is just over a week away.
Now more than ever, your legislators need to hear from you. We’ll be providing opportunities via email to communicate with your legislators at key moments during the 60 day session – but we’re also excited to invite you to learn how to talk with your legislators about key conservation issues face to face.
We’re working with our ally organizations to provide grassroots lobby training to empower you to support the critical conservation issues that will be debated this session.
Join our Grassroots Lobby Training and learn how the legislature works, what elected officials are thinking, the importance of their staff and how to communicate your message effectively. In the first part of the training, you’ll learn the concepts behind lobbying, in the second half you’ll have the opportunity to hear about specific legislation that we’ll face in this upcoming session and about what you can do to help.
RSVP for Grassroots Lobby Training in Albuquerque
Wednesday, January 14th, 6-8:30 p.m.
St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, 431 Richmond Place, NE
RSVP for Grassroots Lobby Training in Santa Fe
Wednesday, January 21st, 6-8:30 p.m.
Whole Foods, 1090 S. St. Francis, (corner of St. Francis and Cordova). We will be in a building just west of the main store on Cordova.
Sponsoring Organizations: Sierra Club, Environment New Mexico, Conservation Voters New Mexico, America Votes, Albuquerque Federation of Teachers, Gila Conservation Association, NM Civic Engagement Table/Center for Civic Policy