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Email AG Balderas now: Say NO to PNM’s coal & nuclear plan

By June 18, 2015September 29th, 2022Climate & Energy

It’s become clear that PNM’s replacement power plan for the aging San Juan coal plant fails to protect your wallet or health, now or in the future. PNM’s plan to replace retiring coal-fired electricity by reinvesting in coal, nuclear and natural gas has not stood the test of public scrutiny. In short, it’s a bad deal for New Mexicans.
So why does Attorney General Hector Balderas’ continue to support the agreement as recently as May 14? Attorney General Balderas says PNM’s plan is good enough – and his position shows that he is not prioritizing progress on critical issues that impact New Mexicans every day – such as pollution from coal-fired energy and the impacts of climate change. By speaking out today, we can show Attorney General Balderas that there is a network of active, engaged and fired-up constituents who are paying attention and will hold him accountable for allowing New Mexico’s largest utility to put our health on the side lines.
Call on Attorney General Balderas to make our health a priority and withdraw his support for PNM’s coal and nuclear replacement power plan NOW.>>
Attorney General Balderas has seen the plan crumble and the real costs revealed. Many important aspects of the plan have changed:

  • Because Farmington changed their mind on taking on some of San Juan’s coal capacity, PNM is taking on more coal capacity than originally planned, and passing those costs onto customers.
  • Miscalculations and omitted information in the plan’s cost calculations total $1 billion.
  • PNM has repeatedly failed to bring binding contracts for ownership of the coal mine and plant over the last 18 months.
  • Support for the plan has all but disappeared. The Albuquerque Bernalillo Water Authority, Renewable Energy Industries Association of New Mexico, New Mexico Independent Power Producers and Western Resource Advocates have withdrawn their support of the agreement. The city of Albuquerque, the city of Albuquerque Water Utility, Bernalillo County, the city of Santa Fe and Santa Fe County have all objected to PNM’s plan. More than 6,500 New Mexicans have already signed petitions opposing the plan.

The Public Regulation Commission still has to vote on the plan this summer – and what Attorney General Balderas recommends will affect them heavily. Send him a message now to urge him to withdraw his support of PNM’s coal and nuclear replacement power plan.
The decision to shutter half of the aging San Juan Generating Station is a massive opportunity for our state. How to replace that energy is arguably the biggest environmental and public health decision in a generation – and Attorney General Balderas’ lack of leadership on this issue will have a hugely detrimental impact on the outcome. Join us in urging Attorney General Balderas’ to withdraw his support for their plan by sending him a message today.