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Now is the time to make a plan to elect leaders who reflect New Mexican’s shared values for protecting our air, land, water, wildlife and resilient communities.

Early voting begins today, October 11th! While you’re making your plan to vote, today also marks two other deadlines: 

  • Voter registration by mail or online closes today. You can still register at your county clerk’s office
  • Today is also the first day that absentee ballots can be mailed to voters who have submitted an absentee application, and first day of Early Voting at the county clerk’s office

This election is critical for our state and future. New Mexico has become a leader in tackling the climate crisis and protecting our air, lands, waters, wildlife and communities: 

  • The Governor has led the way with her executive orders on climate and on protecting 30% of the state’s lands and waters by 2030
  • Her agencies pushed for and – with your help – passed the methane rule, the ozone rule, advanced clean cars standards, and Outstanding National Resource Waters designations
  • The legislature and Governor enacted the Energy Transition Act, the Community Solar Act, and the Community Energy Efficiency Development (CEED) Block Grant Act

This unprecedented activity at all levels of the state government has laid a strong foundation for New Mexico to leverage the massive federal funding from the Inflation Reduction Act, the bipartisan Infrastructure bill, and the American Recovery Plan Act. However, it’s also attracted the attention of climate deniers and big polluters who are funneling dollars into the state to back candidates that want to halt our state’s progress. 

New Mexico needs to continue leading the way, not falling back. To do that, we need pro-conservation decision-makers in office at all levels of government.  Please make your plan to vote today. 

For complete voting information, visit the Secretary of State’s Voter Information Portal.

See our list of endorsed candidates at CVNM Action Fund, and commit to vote to ensure your environmental values will be represented.

Find Your Voter Information

For complete voting information, visit the Secretary of State’s Voter Information Portal.


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