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Do You Know Where Your Energy Comes From?

By August 27, 2014September 29th, 2022Climate & Energy

Only a small portion — less than 8% — of our energy comes from clean and renewable energy sources. PNM, New Mexico’s largest public utility, is proposing a long-term plan to lock in dirty energy sources for decades – and the decision will be made this fall.
The decision on how PNM provides our energy will affect New Mexicans and our health for years. It’s critical that New Mexicans know how our energy is created and weigh in on decisions that will affect our energy future. Share this image with your friends and family on Facebook to help spread the word about where our energy comes from.

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When half of their coal-fired San Juan Generating Station is closed down in 2017 to comply with clean air laws, PNM plans to invest in more coal, out-of-state nuclear and natural gas.
We can do better. Wind and solar are now cheaper than coal and nuclear. They also reduce carbon emissions that increase the risk of fires and drought, and save billions of gallons of our water.
New Mexicans want our air and water protected for future generations. We need to send a strong message that we have had enough of the carbon pollution that is a health hazard to our communities. We are ready for a clean energy economy. Share the image above to spread the word about how our energy is created so more New Mexicans can see that we have an opportunity to increase our use of clean, renewable energy sources.