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CVNM Statement on Governor Signing the Energy Transition Act

By March 22, 2019November 29th, 2022Press Releases

Santa Fe, N.M. – Today, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham signed The Energy Transition Act (SB 489) into law. In response, Conservation Voters New Mexico (CVNM) Executive Director Demis Foster released the following statement:
“New Mexicans sent a strong message in the 2018 election that they support action on the climate crisis and environmental protection – and in her first legislative session, Gov. Lujan Grisham has made good on her promise to put our state on a path toward a fairer, more sustainable economy by signing the Energy Transition Act,” says Demis Foster, CVNM Executive Director. “New Mexico is on the precipice of great change and the Energy Transition Act positions us well to ensure we push for an equitable transition to a clean energy economy and face the climate crisis head on. We are so proud to have been a part of getting the bill passed and applaud our conservation champion legislators and Gov. Lujan Grisham for their exceptional leadership on this vital bill.”
The governor has been a vocal proponent of the ETA, which will:

  • Ensure the state’s electricity grid is 100 percent carbon-free by 2045;
  • Increase the state’s Renewable Portfolio Standard to ensure that 80 percent of New Mexico’s electricity will be generated from renewable energy by 2040;
  • Help protect public health and reduce New Mexicans’ energy bills by transitioning away from expensive coal-powered electricity;
  • Provide $40 million in economic support for coal-impacted regions, including job-training opportunities for coal plant and mine workers;
  • Direct up to 450 megawatts of replacement power to be built in coal-impacted regions, an investment of hundreds of millions of dollars that will replace lost property-tax base for the community after coal plant retirements.

Contact: Liliana Castillo at or 505-992-8683