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CVNM Honors Rep. Patricia Roybal Caballero, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham Keynotes Annual Legislative Reception

By January 30, 2019November 29th, 2022Press Releases, Legislature

Santa Fe, N.M. — Conservation Voters New Mexico (CVNM) will present State Representative Patricia Roybal Caballero (HD 13, Bernalillo) with the 2019 Luminaria Award for at CVNM’s 13th annual Legislative Reception on Feb. 6. Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham will serve as keynote speaker. CVNM’s annual Legislative Reception is a dynamic gathering of policymakers, business leaders and community members. The program will showcase CVNM’s 2019 legislative priorities.

“Gov. Lujan Grisham has already demonstrated her commitment to diversifying our economy while protecting the health of our environment and families. We look forward to continuing to partner with her as she transforms our state by returning everyday New Mexicans to the forefront of how our government operates,” says Demis Foster, CVNM Executive Director.
Earlier this week, Gov. Lujan Grisham signed a landmark executive order, committing New Mexico to join the U.S. Climate Alliance and creating an interagency Climate Change Task Force. With her leadership, New Mexico is now poised to enact proactive climate legislation like getting 50 percent of our state’s energy from renewables by 2030, making progress on methane capture and protecting our public lands and community health.
“Rep. Roybal Caballero has been a relentless advocate for our communities and environmental justice,” says Ben Shelton, CVNM Political & Legislative Director. “CVNM shares Rep. Roybal Caballero’s vision is for an inclusive, environmentally just New Mexico and we look forward to continuing to partner with her to make this vision a reality.”
Rep. Roybal Caballero is an excellent public servant who legislates with compassion and works hard to ensure her community members are connected and at the center of her work as a legislator. Her district includes the Westgate neighborhoods where air pollution is high due to a concentration of industrial sources in the nearby South Valley.
She has been a champion for efforts to pass strong community solar legislation in New Mexico in recent years, an effort she continues to lead this session. HB 210, the Community Solar Act, passed the House Energy, Environment and Natural Resources committee last week and is headed to the House Judiciary Committee.
“​I am very honored and proud to receive this recognition. My parents raised me to respect our indigenous roots which dictates we stand as strong beacons in defense of conserving and protecting our natural resources, which are gifts for us to live and thrive on. So, I will continue to stand with all who fight for and defend our natural resources and promote clean, renewable energy as the way to do so. Thank you for this recognition!” says Rep. Patricia Roybal Caballero.
Rep. Roybal Caballero earned a 96% Lifetime score in CVNM’s annual Conservation Scorecard. The Scorecard provides objective, non-partisan information about the conservation voting records of all members of the legislature.
If you are a reporter who is interested in attending CVNM’s Legislative Reception, please contact Liliana Castillo at to RSVP by Monday, Feb. 4.
Past Luminaria Award Honorees
2018: Senator Jeff Steinborn
2017: Representative Gail Chasey
2016: Senator Cisco McSorley
2015: House Democratic Leader Brian Egolf
2014: Senator Peter Wirth
2013: Representative Mimi Stewart
2012: Senate Majority Leader Michael Sanchez
2011: Auditor Hector Balderas
2010: Mark Fesmire, Director of Oil Conservation Division
2009: Speaker of the House Ben Lujan & Senator Cisco McSorley
2008: Lt. Governor Diane Denish
2007: Governor Bill Richardson
CVNM is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that connects the people of New Mexico to their political power to protect our air, land and water for a healthy Land of Enchantment. We do this by mobilizing voters, helping candidates win elections, holding elected officials accountable and advancing responsible public policies.
Contact: Liliana Castillo at 505-992-8683 or
