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 I have made a provision for Conservation Voters New Mexico in my will or estate plan to help ensure CVNM can continue to advocate for New Mexico’s environment and communities for generations to come. 

 This intention form is for informational purposes only – your estate is not legally bound by submitting this statement. We pledge to hold this information in the strictest confidence.

 Name (s) _____________________________________________________________________ 

Address ______________________________________________________________________ 

City ___________________________ State ____________ Zip Code______________________ 

Phone __________________________ Email ________________________________________

 I have included CVNM (please indicate which) as a beneficiary of my: 

__ Will or Living Trust 

__ Retirement Account(s) 

__ Life Insurance Policy(ies) 

__ Financial or Investment Account(s) 

__ Charitable Trust

__ Other 

 My gift is stated as a specified amount of $ ____________.

 My gift is stated as _______ % of my estate.

 At this time, the estimated value of my gift is: $_______________.

Providing for CVNM in your will or estate plan makes you a member of CVNM’s Luminaria Legacy Circle, both to honor your gift and to help motivate others to consider their own legacy gift to protect New Mexico for generations to come. Please let us know if, and how, you would like your name(s) to appear in CVNM publications:

     __ Yes, you may publicize my/our name(s). Please list my/our name(s) as follows: _______________________________________________________________________

     __ I/We prefer my/our intentions to remain anonymous. 

Donor(s) Signature(s): 

_________________________________________________________     Date: ___________________


For a printable form, click here

Please return this form to:

Liz Lee, Director of Philanthropy

Conservation Voters New Mexico

PO Box 636, Santa Fe, NM 87504

Thank you for your support!