Board Member Spotlight: Gary Oakley
In your opinion, why is CVNM’s work important?
One of the best ways to make a positive difference in our world is
to create good laws. Those laws don’t just appear, they come from conscientious legislators. CVNM recruits good candidates for office, works to get them elected, helps them write and implement policy and holds them accountable! It is the full circle.
Why are you a CVNM board member?
It feels like a way for me to make a difference. I am there to support those staff members who are in the trenches of the roundhouse. I also hope to educate my friends and family about how the system works because it is confusing and complicated.
What initially drew you to becoming involved with CVNM ?
I have been a member of the partner organization, League of Conservation Voters, in Washington for over 30 years. I realized that so many important changes start with the local affiliates.
What’s your favorite outdoor place or activity?
I love one place so much that I don’t want to divulge its location. Let’s just say it is a river that is SO New Mexico. I like to camp there and float in my two-person inflatable kayak with my wife or two daughters.
Why do you enjoy that place or activity so much?
People either get New Mexico or they don’t. That is fine with me. I get it….the dry, rough, dusty and inclement weather suits me fine. I am much more of a chamisa-person than a lawn-person. New Mexico inspires with its vistas, spirit, passion and energy. I get exhausted just enjoying the beauty around me.