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A Decade of Service

By January 9, 2015July 7th, 2022Uncategorized

A Decade of Service

Thomas Lawley

Thomas Lawley

Thomas Lawley, CVNM’s Business Administrator, reached a milestone this year — a decade of service at CVNM.
Thomas moved to New Mexico from Colorado in 2004. After his first visit to the Bosque del Apache to view the convergence of migrating birds, he became a passionate and lifelong birder. Thomas’s love of nature always shines through whether he is getting up at 3 am to look for birds, camping with his wife Paula and their grandchildren or kayaking down the Chama River with his fellow CVNM staffers.
Thomas is known for his expert spinning of a tale and sharing of mesmerizing stories from his life of adventure and exploration. When once asked to describe himself at a CVNM staff retreat he replied, “I’m a moving and grooving, dancing and romancing, shuckin’ and jiving,’ gracefully-aging hippie.”
To us, Thomas is our resident Zen Master. He is a kind, thoughtful and calming presence in our daily lives. He encourages all of us to stay healthy in both body and spirit and keeps the CVNM ship afloat. We appreciate and honor Thomas Lawley — a cherished friend and thoughtful advocate for protecting our natural world.