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Two weekends in June: Help keep New Mexico paintable

By June 14, 2018September 27th, 2022Public Lands, Water & Wildlife, Action Alerts

New Mexico is famously paintable. Our rich cultural history and beautiful landscapes have been drawing artists here for generations.

Support Local Artists and Conservation Voters New Mexico

Gary Oakley’s Gathering

Oakley Art Studio and City of Mud art gallery will be open for a special event June 16-17 and 23-24, 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Several featured artists will donate 20% of their sales to CVNM to protect New Mexico’s clean air, land, water and healthy communities.
Questions? Send us as email.»

Among the thriving art scene in Santa Fe, many artists and gallery owners know the importance of protecting New Mexico’s air, land, water and the health of our communities.
That’s why several local artists are donating 20% of their sales to Conservation Voters New Mexico (CVNM) during the last two weekends in June.
Who: Oakley Art Studio featuring Kirsten and Gary Oakley; City of Mud featuring several artists; and artist David Zeiset
What: Art show and sale with 20% of all sales supporting CVNM
Where: 1114 Hickox St in Santa Fe, suites A and E
When: Saturday and Sunday, June 16-17 and 23-24, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. or by appointment
Why: To support CVNM’s mission to connect the people of New Mexico to their political power to protect our air, land and water for a healthy Land of Enchantment. And to keep New Mexico paintable!
Oakley Art Studio and the City of Mud gallery will both be open for special event hours for these two weekends. These neighboring artists are dedicated to supporting CVNM’s vision for New Mexicans to thrive in just, resilient communities where our conservation and cultural values guide our decision-makers and public policies. Please check out their work, and know that any purchase you make supports a fellow Conservation Voter as well as CVNM’s work in this critical year.
If you have any questions about the event or how to support CVNM, let us know.»
Oakley Art Studio will be featuring the works of Gary and Kirsten Oakley, as well as guest artist David Zeiset. They are taking part in the Santa Fe Studio Tour, an annual event featuring dozens of artists in galleries all over the city.

Gary Oakley’s Big Dream

Kirsten Oakley’s Nicho Jewelry

David Zeiset’s LoveKnot

City of Mud will be debuting their summer group show OUTRAGE. Featured works by several artist activists are inspired by ongoing political and environmental issues.

Jamie Chase’s Broken Promises