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Last chance to make your voice heard: final vote set on PNM’s San Juan Plan

By December 14, 2015September 29th, 2022Democracy, Climate & Energy

The Public Regulation Commission (PRC) is set to take their final vote on PNM’s coal and nuclear replacement power plan tomorrow, Wednesday, Dec. 16.
Our communities are already suffering the impacts of climate change and legacy mining pollution. And yet, when half of PNM’s aging coal-fired San Juan Generating Station closes down in 2017 to comply with air quality laws, the fact remains that PNM wants to replace that power generation with more dirty coal and toxic nuclear energy, rather than making proactive progress toward the necessary transition to a clean energy economy – but the PRC has to approve the plan.
If we want PRC commissioners to do the right thing, we’ve got to keep the pressure on. Our only chance is if the thousands of New Mexicans who care about our clean energy future speak out today. Call your PRC commissioner today and urge them to reject PNM’s dirty energy replacement power plan. Here’s a link to send a message to each commissioner:
Commissioner Karen Montoya – District 1
Commissioner Pat Lyons – District 2
Commissioner Valerie Espinoza – District 3
Commissioner Lynda Lovejoy – District 4
Commissioner Sandy Jones – District 5
Not sure who your commissioner is? Check out this map to find out.
CVNM members like you have been fighting this terrible plan since the beginning—with 7,400 petition signatures, and 2,327 messages sent directly to your PRC commissioners to date.
However, with the PRC hearing examiner’s recommendation to accept PNM’s dirty energy plan, some commissioners may think they have the political cover they need to go against their constituents’ best interests and wishes. This is simply unacceptable. We need to send a strong final message to make sure the PRC knows that you expect them to stand up for New Mexicans and reject PNM’s profits over people plan. Call your PRC commissioner NOW and urge them to vote “NO” on PNM’s coal and nuclear replacement power plan.
The silver lining in PNM’s disastrous plan is that — even if they vote down the rest of PNM’s power replacement plan — the PRC has the opportunity to scrutinize PNM’s risky stake in the SJGS coal plant in 2018. New Mexicans pay up to double for dirty San Juan coal energy compared to clean renewables. Combine this with the public health benefits of solar and wind, and the PRC could be forced to push PNM to replace all of their dirty coal holdings with renewables.
There’s been a lot of talk about PNM’s various plans, but we’re nearing the end and soon your PRC commissioner will make their final vote. They need to hear from you NOW. Click here for their phone number and talking points.